One of the most exciting moments in every professional athlete's life is upcoming. At the same time we are more than excited to see programs and, of course, leotards, of the most talented gymnasts.
Can't wait to see what new programs and leotards are coming at Olympic Games in Paris. But while we are waiting, let's do a short review of rhythmic gymnastics leotards at European Championship that has taken place in Budapest, Hungary in the end of May.
The trends picked up to the list are based on Stella Gymnastics team's notices and opinions.
Minimalistic style
Minimalism is still a trend. Less decorations and rhinestones. One accent, i.e. bright detail or even no accents. These leotards are absolutely elegant and attention is attracted to the program but the leotard definitely completes the look.

2. Neon bright colors and complex patterns
Completely opposite trend is "color bomb" (usually neon colored) leotards that have complex patterns and sometimes even whole stories to tell :) These leotards can be objects of research and there are plenty of small details in those.

3. Monochromatic leotards
Even though single colored fabrics are used for these leotards, they cannot be allocated to the same category as minimalistic leotards. Monochromatic leotards are usually decorated with Crystal or Crystal AB rhinestones to reflect more shine. Also, quite often lots of complex patterns are decorating these leotards.

4. Eternal velvet
Velvet is classics. This is definitely not the easiest fabric to work with (neither flexiest), but velvet is trendy for many seasons and probably we will see its smooth patterns and waves in the future as well.

5. Narrow shoulder straps
Another rhythmic gymnastics leotard trend that came to stay, is the usage of narrow shoulder straps. At the beginning it was a bit stressful to use narrow straps, but the gymnasts definitely liked those and proved that even very narrow straps can be comfortable and easy to use.

Especially we like narrow shoulder straps imitation made on top of skin-colored mesh. They always stay in place and they are the same way showy as narrow straps without mesh.

What is the hottest trend in rhythmic gymnastics leotards this season? What kind of leotards do you prefer? And what do you think of narrow shoulder straps in leotards design?
P.S. indrekphotos, ilrichfassbender and photos are used for this post. Thanks to great photographers!